It Can Take A Little Time

 It can take a little time...

and that's okay!

In Kindermusik, we intentionally build familiar routines and rituals into the class to help your child become comfortable and anticipate what comes next.

For example, from the very first day, we will always begin and end class with the same two songs - the Hello Song and the Goodbye Song. This signals to your child that class is starting or ending.

On average, children need four to six weeks to transition into a new class - even children who have been in Kindermusik before. For some children, it can take a little longer.

We're all about the process and not performance here at Kindermusik, and so we just give them all the love, space, and understanding that they need!

As time goes on, your child will learn the routine, become familiar with the songs, and look forward to seeing friends from class (and so will you!). Plus, once they become secure in the routines and rituals, the learning and enjoyment really take off!

What you can do:

  • Play your class music (current unit) from your Kindermusik app throughout the week at home.

  • Recreate some Kindermusik routines at home - using the "Instruments Away" song, cuddling with your favorite Quiet Time music, singing, dancing, and playing instruments.

  • Throughout the week, talk about going to Kindermusik and what you both love about class. (For older children, this may include some gentle "coaching" about what to do and what to expect.)

  • Sing to - and with! - your child often! Your voice is the most beautiful sound in the world to them! When you sing, you are encouraging them to express themselves musically.

  • Talk with your child's Kindermusik teacher - they are always happy to help!

  • If you are in class with them, actively engage with your child. Model joyful participation, and they'll catch on too!

We love that every child is wonderfully unique in what makes them special, including their learning styles and personalities!


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