Masterful Teaching: Crossing the Midline Activities


Masterful Teaching: Crossing the Midline Activities

What is the midline?
Think of the midline as an imaginary line down the middle of our bodies from our heads to between our feet

Crossing the midline is important because:

  • When children cross the midline, they are using both sides of their brain to coordinate smooth, controlled, complex movement.

  • It is important to combine movement patterns that cross the body for daily tasks such as reading, writing, and tying shoelaces.

  • The ability to cross the midline is necessary for tasks that involve both hands, where they work together to do a job... or for playing the piano or violin, for example.

From Importance of Crossing the Midline

"Crossing the midline plays a part in everything we do! Reading, writing, catching a ball, getting dressed, sitting cross-cross-applesauce, play, self-care...everything!"

  • Level 1 criss-cross exercise: Cross right arm to left leg, left arm to right leg.

  • Level 1 ball play: Have the babies sit facing their grown-ups. Then have the adults gently roll a ball to one side of their child. Their little one will cross the midline reaching to that side to grab the ball.

  • Level 1 toe tickles: Have the grown-ups use their child’s toes AND their opposite hand to reach down her hand to the opposite foot as you do the toe tickle.

  • Levels 2 and up: Ball play and scarf play activities. Also model crossing the midline when dancing or playing instruments.

  • All ages - Crawling is a fun way to move!

Find more midline activity ideas HERE and HERE.

Read more about the importance of crossing the midline HERE.


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