Confidence and Performance Anxiety

    In just a few weeks our Instrument Artistry students, including our Studio Singers group, will have the opportunity to bless more than their own homes with their music and confidence at the TNS Holiday Recitals. However, we know that this can produce some anxiety. Here are some tips that our educators have compiled to start thinking about:

  • Instead of talking about being nervous, think of it as being excited. The two have similar physical aspects: sweating, shaking, butterflies etc. if we say we’re nervous it can be associated with messing up or negative thoughts, but if we talk about how excited we are, we can have fun and be excited to perform.

  • Performing as often as possible before the recital is helpful to get more comfortable playing for an audience. You'll find weak spots that were never an issue and will build confidence as friends and family compliment them and you'll get a sense of different emotions/experiences they felt before the big recital.

  • Practice introducing yourself, sitting down, playing your piece, bowing and walking to your seat. All of this is so helpful to visualize exactly how you want your performance to be. Telling yourself, "I can do this!"

  • Eat a banana 30-60 min before the recital. Bananas have magnesium which helps the body relax.

  • Breathe! Everyone in the audience is rooting for you!

  • Sit for a few seconds before you begin. Take a few seconds to hear the first few measures in your head, the tempo, the dynamics. Make sure you put your hands in the correct position before you start to play. 

We know you'll do great :) We'll see you soon at our cozy, TNS Holiday Recitals!


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