5 Ways Kindermusik Teaches Kindness and Empathy

    Over the years, countless friendships have been forged inside the walls of our Kindermusik classroom - between children and between their grown-ups!

    The weekly classes and inclusive environment present many gentle, loving opportunities for your child to learn to get along and show empathy -- all while creating meaningful relationships with others.

    From Level 1 of Kindermusik all the way up to Level 5, sharing is an important part of demonstrating cooperation and selflessness. As new instruments are passed out or two kids share a scarf for a partner activity, your child gets to practice the valuable skills of sharing and working together.

Taking turns
    Whether it’s waiting for the teacher to pass out scarves or waiting to pass the ball in a circle activity, taking turns helps your child learn patience. Your child also practices being empathetic because their friends in class are also waiting for their turn!

Ensemble Play
    This well-beloved activity is present in each class and fosters a warm sense of community while also helping your child learn to interact musically in a group setting. As children progress through the levels of Kindermusik, ensemble becomes a whole new experience of waiting for a musical cue and playing instruments in turn and together - all in harmony!

Forming Friendships
    As a part of our Kindermusik family, your child will always feel welcomed as a very valuable and important part of their class. Our warm and nurturing classroom environment models kindness and empathy for others, providing the perfect platform for your child to make friends, interact with others, and develop invaluable social skills.

Showing Kindness
    Our emphasis on community naturally lends itself to advocating the qualities kindness and thoughtfulness towards others. As your child’s teacher finds ways to encourage and support each child in class, your child will learn ways to show kindness to others too.

    Even after your child has graduated from our Kindermusik program, we know that they will be able to take these valuable life skills, musical skills, and special memories of sweet friendships with them wherever they go.


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