How Music Can Soothe Your Baby for Better Sleep and Reduced Colic


Every parent knows the frustration of trying to get a fussy baby to sleep. You try everything...bouncing, swaying, feeding, back rubs...and nothing seems to work. You’re stressed and exhausted, and you feel heartsick for your poor little one. Whether it’s due to colic or any number of reasons, when sleep eludes your baby, you both suffer.
There are a number of techniques that can help your child get their much-needed rest, and one of them is music. Let’s look at how music can soothe your baby so they (and you) can get some sleep.

Music Affects Babies Even Before Birth

How music can soothe your baby
Music has an effect on babies even before they’re born. As early as 16-18 weeks, a baby hears its first sound; at 24 weeks, their ears are developing more, and they will respond to voices and noise. In the final months of pregnancy, a baby can recognize their mother’s voice, language, word patterns, and even rhymes.
In the 3rd trimester, your baby can definitely hear and respond to the music you play. Gentle sounds like lullabies and classical music can soothe them even then.

What Is Colic, and How Can Music Help?

One of the reasons many babies struggle to sleep is colic. Colic affects around 1 in 5 babies, so if your little one is colicky, you’re definitely not alone. 
Colic is not a disease or specific diagnosis, but a combination of perplexing behaviors in an otherwise healthy baby. It typically involves prolonged bouts of crying and flailing arms and legs, among other symptoms. It usually occurs around the same time each day — most often in the late afternoon or early evening. 
How music can soothe your baby
In addition, doctors typically use the “rule of three” to diagnose colic: 
  • Crying happens for a total of at least three hours a day
  • This occurs at least three days a week
  • It lasts for at least three weeks in a row
Trying to figure out how to help a colicky baby can be difficult, frustrating, and exhausting. There are a number of techniques you can try, ranging from swaddling to diet changes. One of them is to create a calm atmosphere around your baby with gentle, soothing sounds.
Quietly singing lullabies or softly playing calm classical music can create a serene environment to help your baby relax and (hopefully) fall asleep.

How Music Can Soothe Your Baby for Better Sleep

Music connects to our emotions, so it makes sense that calming music can soothe an upset or restless baby. Soft, relaxing music that creates a calm environment will help to nurture your child’s sleeping patterns whether they have colic or not.
How music can soothe your baby
According to an article by Harvard Health Publishing, “sound processing begins in the brainstem, which also controls the rate of your heartbeat and respiration.” This helps to explain why slow, soft, repetitive music can slow the heartbeat and deepen breathing.
When choosing music to lull your baby to sleep, opt for songs with soothing instruments and calm background ambience. You want something that won’t overstimulate your baby’s brain — something that helps bring them into a peaceful state. Calm classical music is ideal, with its soothing, gentle instruments and tones. Lullabies (both traditional songs and those you make up yourself) are a perfect choice as well.
Speaking of making up lullabies, hearing a parent or caregiver’s voice can add to the calming effect of music by helping a baby feel safe and secure. So even if you’re not confident in your singing abilities, don’t underestimate the soothing effect that hearing your voice in gentle, musical tones can have on your baby.

Learn More About the Benefits of Music With Take Note Studio!

We hope this inspires you to break out the lullabies the next time your baby is struggling to fall asleep. And if you’d like to explore even more benefits of music for your child, we invite you to try out our Kindermusik classes!
Right now, Take Note Studio is offering a $5 preview month for Kindermusik! Check out preview availability here. Don’t see a time that works? Contact us to set up a different preview time. 


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