Vestibular Stimulation
Vestibular Stimulation Essentially our vestibular sense helps us to ‘keep tabs’ on the position and motion of our heads . Think of it as an internal GPS! However, our vestibular system is t he most connected sensory system in our body. It works alongside our other sensory systems (including the proprioceptive sense ), enabling us to use our eyes effectively and process sounds in our environment. Our vestibular system has a HUGE impact on our physical, emotional and indeed learning skills. It is the first sensory system to develop in the womb. After birth, our vestibular system is often likened to the ‘brain’s traffic controller’ for all the sensory information it receives. It sorts and relays incoming sensory information from other sensory organs and passes it onto to the various sensory regions of our brain. The Vestibular Sense is crucial for a child’s development – helping them work rest and play. A typically ...