Welcome Back!
Welcome back, Take Note Studio families! Whether you are learning virtually or in the studio, we are so happy to be together again! Do you remember back in March when we thought sheltering in place for 14 days would defeat Covid and get us back to normal? HAAAAAAAA. How's your normal looking this year? Our studio staff is with you; we have our own children from baby on up to adult and we are all navigating the best way to keep ourselves healthy (and sane) as we prepare our minds and bodies for more structured learning this fall. It’s been helpful for me to talk with others in our community to see how this transition is going for them. No matter the educational/work/daycare model you have, this fall is drastically different for everyone, and if you’re anything like me, it can leave you feeling unsure and overwhelmed. Talking with the Take Note staff about their struggles and successes has been so refreshing -- I didn’t realize how valuable the small t...